Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Belly Self Portrait

Nursery artwork

Here are the canvas painting I painted to match the crib set (painted free-handed, I might add!)
I used the valance and crib sheet animals as my inspiration!

Christmas 2008

Owen also recieved a very special and sentimental gift from GG.
(See above......oopps....It's upside down!)
A homemade quilt. I'm already searching for a quilt rack to place in Owen's room. Gifts like this are to be displayed and not to be pee peed or spit up on : )
GT onesie from Aunt Tiff and the girls.
The belly pic was taken by Ava and above is Carter and I comparing tummies!

An update: 32 weeks

It's been nearly two weeks since my last post and what a busy two weeks it has been!
To begin with, I panicked the week before Christmas when I suddenly came down with a late case of morning sickness! Or so I thought. I had been awaken the night before to a gurgling tummy and nauseated feeling. I staggered my way through dark and made it to the bathroom only to become quick friends with our toilet and an unwelcoming reminder that it was time to clean it.....especially after I was through with it. I crawled back into bed with the hopes that morning would bring a settled belly and a productive day at work. I couldn't have been more wrong! Once at work the nausea continued and then came the vomiting. I managed to make it to the gas station on my breakfast break to get some sprite and crackers to settle my stomach, however before I could park the car I lost it. I flung open the door and let it fly! I had no other choice and thank heavens there wasn't anyone in the parking lot to witness it! Of course I managed to stay at work, didn't leave, didn't lead onto the severity of my condition and worked right through it. I am proud to say that after 32 weeks of pregnancy I have only called out of work on one occasion! Apparently the "Bug" was going around and after a day or two I was feeling much better, just in time for Christmas!

It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have our baby boy to celebrate with! Even though he wasn't here for 2008, he still managed to get Christmas gifts! Aunt Tiffany, Ava and Blakely gave him a Georgia Tech onesie with matching booties! I know it was tough for Tiff to buy GT! Mike has already suggested that this will be Owen's "going home" outfit from the hospital! The jury is still out on that final decision! Grammy gave Owen a snugly zip up fuzzy deer onesie with little antlers! Big Cheese and Buzz gave him a green John Deere onesie with tractors on it! Too Cute! The picture of me with the big ol' stain on my shirt was taken at Aunt Humpie's house (My child has some crazy family names to grow up with!) the other pic was taken at Mom's house when we all spent the night Christmas night and had matching red fleece PJ's.
The ornament was from Mom that she bought at Power's Crossroads fair.

Owen has definitely been a busy boy in my tummy. He lets me know real quick that he doesn't like it when I lay on my side. Either an elbow or foot gives me a quick jab and forces me to reposition. He's also taken on traits of his daddy's stubbornness! Example: One night Owen was moving, rolling and flipping around. I jumped up to record it with our new video camera as soon as I hit "record"........nothing. I bet I held the camera for 30 minutes with out even a jump or flinch to record. Heartburn has been a bit more frequent, leg and back pain of course is still present and I think I may have had my first round of Braxton Hicks contractions that were so extreme they woke me up. I had read that these contractions are normal and that a glass of water would help as well. I did as directed and within an hour or two they had eased up.

I have only about 8 weeks left to go and ironically at 32 weeks is when Mom delivered me nearly 29 years ago! I just can't imagine going into labor this early! I had my 32 week appt today which went great. My weight was at 207 lbs, a 4 lb gain since my 30 wk appt, my glucose sugar test resulted in a 74 (Anything below 140 is good) and Dr. Beckford commented on how great of a result I had! My B/P was even better, reading at 100/68. Owen's heart rate was at 150 and r. Beckford suggested that I have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to determine his size. She says that tall women tend to have big babies.......hmmm. Can we say "C Section!"

Also, the nursery is coming along well. Granddaddy Buzz has been working on the shelves.
I will post some more pics soon.

An update:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

30 Week Appt.

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday with Dr. Ralston.
It was also pretty uneventful and routine. Luckily I didn't have to wait very long in the lobby because as soon as I arrived a smoky-smelling older lady plopped her ashtray smelling self right next to me. Now, my hubby smokes (double yucko!) and the smell totally grosses me out but he at least washes his hands and showers! Also, we are trying to come up with a plan for him to quite smoking by the time the baby gets here. Anyway, back to the old stinky lady......I felt like I was going to puke right there in the lobby. I was then rescued by the nurse who called her back and my relief couldn't come quick enough! Not much later I was then ushered back to the scale where I weighed in at 203 lbs....I had only gained 2 lbs since my last visit! Yay! Because all of the restrooms were occupied I had to wait until one came open before I could see the doc. I had to leave my "specimen" as they call it! My full bladder and I patiently waited in the doctors room until I heard a door open.

I was about to bust! I hurried into the vacant bathroom when the smell hit me......AGAIN!
The smoky lady had just come out! Ewww!! I had never peed so fast in my life! All while holding my breath! Yuck! I tell ya! Doesn't she know that cigarettes are the #1 nauseating smell to pregnant women! Ugh!!

So, once I fled the b-room I went back to my little doctor's room and was greeted by Dr. Ralston. He was rather quick and too the point. He commented that my weight was OK, my glucose test was fine and my B/P was normal. I was able to hear Owen's heartbeat and Dr. Ralston was able to feel his position from the outside of my belly. He guessed that Owen's head is down, but will be able to tell a little bit better in the next few weeks. My next appt will be on the 30th of December with Dr. Beckford who is new to the group of doctors. After meeting several of them I am more favorable of Dr. Cook and Dr. Turner.

As for Owen, he is making he presence known for sure! He has been moving and rolling all day long! I am going to miss that : (

Monday, December 15, 2008

Owen's Nursery

This weekend was especially exciting! Aunt Patti came down from Atlanta to help paint the nursery, and even better.....she brought lunch from OK Cafe!
Mike and I also have decided on a name for our baby boy: Owen Barrett Greenway.
"Barrett" was my Grandmother's maiden name. My mom's mom.
And as for Owen, we just like it : )

Also this week, Mike and I tackled Babies R Us and completed our registry.....well, completed what we could. I have had to get online to tweak a couple of items. We were pretty much the "blonde leading the blind"! and I'm sure we had "New parents" written all over our scared faces! We did ok in the diaper department (Mike scanned every package in fear that our baby will be forever diaper less) but it wasn't until we stepped foot into the breast feeding aisle that both of our jaws dropped! Nipple pads....nipple shields....warming cups...I never knew the "girls" were so high maintenance! I tried to recall all of the books, brochures and web sites I had the end I just closed my eyes, aimed the gun and scanned away!
Next aisle was bottles, good grief! Glass, plastic, BPA, Born this point I had to call on the expert. Tiffany, my sister in law. She recommended using Dr. Browns, apparently you can pump directly into the bottle (I'm still trying to figure out how that works!).
By the end of our adventure we managed to make our way around the store scanning bath tubs, bibs, high chairs and pacies. I was exhausted! I wonder how babies ever survived 100 yrs ago without the great inventions like the Boppy and Piddle Pad! I later called my been-there-done-that mommies and had to review my registry for things I didn't need or may have left off.
They were lots of help! Thanks Shea and Tiff!

There hasn't been too much of a drastic change since my last post @ 28 weeks. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow for my 30 week appointment. My only complaint at this point is that sleeping is still becoming a challenge. I have been waking up nearly every hour to reposition myself. Normally pain that radiates down my lower back to my butt and down to my leg is what wakes me. I guess I better get used to the sleepless nights : )

Stay tuned for my 30 week update!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sweet Quote

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.
— Author Unknown

** I ran across this quote on one of the many websites I visit. I really liked and wanted to post***

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I think your Fanta went flat!

Like I mentioned in my last post, today marked 28 weeks. Only 12 more to go.

I had my appointment with Dr. Turner today, I had only been seen by Dr. Cook up until now and was eager to meet one of the other doctors. As the routine goes I had to submit my "specimen" as soon as they called me back and luckily I didn't have to wait too long. The chick-fil-a sweet tea I drank on the way was about the squirt out of my ears!

It's funny the things that cross your mind when you're peeing in a cup, I couldn't help but think about the black sharpie marker that I had to use to identify my pee with by writing my name on my pee pee cup and how many pee germs had to be crawling around on it. After all, when your belly reaches a certain size it's tough to get your aim right and I doubt I'm the first fat girl to pee on her hand. Ok, gross. However, for the record I did and always do wash my hands.

Once I was done with that I had to visit the dreaded scale. The nurse was sweet to start off the my weight @ 150, but then she had to move the sliding bar over to 200 lbs! I could hardly watch her as she continued to tap it across the bar. She was also nice enough to say "ok, we'll minus 2 lbs for your clothing" which left me at 201 lbs. I couldn't believe it.
She ushered me back to the next room where I had have my glucose tolerance test done.
This test is to rule out or indicate the chance of Gestational Diabetes and to determine how well my body processes the glucose. I was instructed to drink a sugary liquid that tasted like an orange crush that had been sitting out too long with out the top! It was flat, sweet and was all I could do to gulp it down in the allotted time of 5 minutes. In this situation no news is good news. If there seems to be a problem with my blood sugar the office will notify me.

Once I was done Dr. Turner greeted me and was extremely nice. The baby's heart rate was 145 and sounded great! My B/P was at 118/76, also great! She wasn't too concerned with any lab work, b/p readings or any previous appointments I'd had thus far. However, she did feel the need to let me know that I had gained 11 pounds since my last appointment! I strictly blame that on all of the Thanksgiving meals I had last week. I have gained a total of 39 lbs so far. I decided right then and there that for the next 12 weeks I need to be extra careful with my diet. I then had to wait an extra hour in the lobby and then had my blood drawn for my blood sugar test. Overall, a normal and routine visit. I will now be seeing the Dr's every 2 weeks to monitor the baby....stay tuned for the next post.

Is that a turkey you're smuggling?

Today marked my 28th week of being preggo !!
Of course I took the day off of work for my appointment and Mike was also off work, however not for the same reason. He is having his last "hoo-rah!" before the baby gets here. For the next 5 days he will be in Virginia deer hunting. Most people think I am crazy for letting him take this trip so late in my pregnancy, but believe it or not it really gives me a chance to rest. I will spend the next few days in a stinky-free and cereal-for-dinner home. He was sweet enough to get down all of the Christmas decorations so I am going to stay busy decorating the house. Don't get me wrong, I of course wish he were here with me, but he's so excited about this trip that I didn't have the heart to hold him back. Hopefully he will bring back a whole lot of deer meat too!

I can't help but mention some of the perks that I experienced this Thanksgiving as a
mommy-to-be. Here are some of the best reasons to be pregnant during Thanksgiving:

*You get bumped to the front of the buffet line, after all everyone reminds you that you're eating for two!

* After dinner, you're encouraged to sit down and rest your dish pan hands for me!

*It's easier waking up @ 3am for Black Friday shopping when you've already gotten up to pee at 2:30am.

* You also get bumped to the front of the shopping line at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving....(thank you to the Virgin Island ladies at the Newnan Walmart)

* Being preggo is a great conversation starter amongst all the folks you only see once a year and prevents the awkward silence.

*You have an excuse to wear elastic-waisted stretchy pants to a Holiday affair!

Along with celebrating Thanksgiving our family also celebrated the announcement of another baby that will make its debut into our growing family. Toby and Ally Teal informed us all that she will be expecting a baby in June of next year! Wow!
This now has the count at 4 grandkids and 3 on the way!

Kayley- 6yrs
Carter- 2yrs
Jackson- 1 yr
Noah- 8mo
Baby Boy Greenway- Due February 2008
Baby Teal (Jenny & Josh)- May 1st 2008 (Find out gender on December 22nd)
Baby Teal (Toby & Ally)- June 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

I have nothing to wear!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I am fully aware of my curvy new figure that seems to change on a daily basis.
Especially the past month or so has been drastic! Luckily I didn't have to go out and max out any credit cards on maternity clothes, I was fortunate enough to get preggo about a year after many of friends and family members, as a result I got the "hook up" on new clothes.
It's funny to think that in the early weeks of my pregnancy I couldn't wait to wear the panel pants, belly bands and over sized cute tops. With that being said, I wasn't too worried about running out of outfits or options. I was content with wearing my scrubs during the day, sweats and t's at night and occasionally having to sift through the "nice" clothes for a wedding, dinner or whatever required more than my trusty ol' PJ bottoms. The problem with sweats and scrubs is that they stretch and can be VERY deceiving!

Well, over the weekend I had been planning on going to a 1 yr. old's birthday who is the son of a dear friend of mine. I never thought twice about what to wear. I knew that I had a couple of pair of jeans, khaki's and cute tops that fit just great last week and I need not worry. I could have never predicted what happened when I tried to get dressed. NOTHING fit, and when I say "Nothing".....I mean not even the stretchy pants fit! I tried to squat, bend and stretch my way into every piece of clothing I could find, no luck. Time was ticking, I had to be at the birthday party within a half hour, I went into panic mode. I called Mom to let her know that I was running late, trying to hold back the tears. However, Mom's don't have to see the tears to know that they're there. All she had to do was ask "What's wrong?" I broke down. "I have NOTHING TO WEAR! I'M FAAAAT!!!" She reminded me that I was pregnant and that she would take me shopping the next day. I managed to dry my tears and pour myself into a pair of jeans and finally found a cute shirt that fit (and covered the love handles that the pants wouldn't fit over).

We went to the birthday party and had a great time.
My belly got rubbed, the usual pregnancy questions were asked and I left there feeling better than I had before I arrived. In this case, it REALLY IS what's on the "inside" that matters.
However, one party guest did make a point to say that she didn't recognize me when I arrived..hmmmm.....still not sure exactly what she meant by that. I'll put it this way, I still have the same hair color, haircut and not else has changed except for the scale!

Ironically, when we arrived home from the party I opened a box from my Aunt Patti and to my surprise she had sent me a new coat, maternity tops (that fit!!), new panties and 2 new nursing bras! Whoa! These things are something else! I can flash a boob in an instant!

So, just as promised Mom took me to JCPenney's for a shopping spree! We really lucked up and stumbled upon a 75% off rack with oh-so cute tops for $4.97 and nearly all of the pants were up to 50% off! Pregnancy must be a "seasonal" thing, according to JCPenney's! The pregnancy gods were looking after me that day!! I tried not to look at the tags, many of them were XL or XXL....I just smiled and enjoyed the experience. Mom assured me that I would been the larger sizes to last until February and that they would probably shrink and she didn't want to hear me crying again! I got several pairs of pants and matching tops that would work with all of them. Kinda like "Garanimals" for pregnant gals! I even got new house shoes too! I guess that's for when my feet start to swell!

Shopping for new clothes was such a relief and I can now get dressed for the holidays and baby showers without the fearing the closet! What made the day even better was simply spending it with my mommy. She even got to feel the baby move!
He's already got her wrapped around his little finger : )

Friday, November 21, 2008

Amanda & Mike as babies.....

Who do you think our baby is going to look like?

Belly News

I just had to post an update, my big ol' belly is no longer my own! I am now reminded nearly every 30 minutes of the little man who has taken up house in it. He's been a great tennant, except for waking me up every night and giving me a quick kick in the ribs as if to remind me not to drink that cold milk so fast. Yep, he has made a nest and is clearly getting adjusted to his surrondings.

My what to expect book is now book marked at week 27 and remains a permanent fixture in our hall bathroom. This week the chapter highlights "Sexual Positions" that are "approved" for your 6 month of pregnancy. a feeling a man put his two cents into this chapter by offering the many ways and options for us big bellied, hairy legged, under slept, over worked, swollen ankled momma's please our men. Wow! Thanks, "What to Expect" book for informing our men that we capeable and still should be expected to "put out" at this stage in our pregnancy. (Warning: TMI information about to be revealed, Mom and Wanda be warned)
My dear husband has clearly read this chapter, after all he spends enough time in the bathroom, he oughta be an expert. I'm sure he flipped through all the others just to find the "sex" chapter of the book! He seems to have no problem with the extra "padding" so to speak that now covers my once slim figure. I won't go into any further details, I'll simply say that fortunately he still loves me and finds all of these extra curves desirable, even when I'm feeling like a fat ol' cow, he reminds me of how sexy he still thinks I am. It's definitely brought out our creative side :) Our belly's are about the same size at this point and pose quite a challenge, however we've managed to work around it.

Well, it's time for my pre bed time glass of cold milk........let the games begin (In my belly that is).

*** If after reading this, please resist the urge to inform Mike that I "blogged" about our "relations" in the bedroom. He may never touch me again in fear that I may create a post about it. : )

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My belly turned out to make a great pillow for Grady. We were the only two at the party who couldn't drink so we quickly bonded and got cozy on the couch.

Nursery Update

Here is an updated picture of the nursery....
Big Cheese and Buzz came by today to measure the wall for shelves. Mom helped to finish up the trim and touch up the paint on the walls. Our next step is to have Aunt Patti come down to paint the little chickens and farm scene throughout the room. I can't wait! It's going to be so sweet!! I will continue to post the progress.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Big Cheese and Buzz

Most of you may know that my nephew has tagged mom with the title of "Big Cheese". Grama,Nanny or Grandmother's around here. I have had to accept the fact that my child too will follow Carter's lead and refer to mom as Big Cheese too.

Earl has been given the name of "Buzz" which is absoultly perfect since he is the biggest and most devoted GT fan on earth!!
I hope that everyone is as lucky as we are to have a Big Cheese and Buzz. I know I am.

25 weeks....

Here is picture from my cousin's wedding last weekend. Here we are with little Jackson who was tuckered out! Notice I'm holding the baby and Mike's holding a beer.......hmmm.
I can't wait to hold my own little sleepy boy!!
25 weeks down......15 to go. Not much has changed this week. Little man is still pretty active, especially at 3 am. No heartburn, no constipation (Thank you Lord!), no leg cramps,......however, I have noticed that pregnancy has really made me quite a joy to be around! (Did you notice the sarcasm?). Don't get me wrong, I am not a complete monster but I have noticed that I am a bit more snappy to things that aggravate me and to anyone else that's not pregnant I'm sure these things wouldn't bother them at all. Just ask my husband, poor thing, I nearly strangled him for breathing too loudly and also for having the windshield wipers wiping too fast in the truck. There is nothing that makes me more angry than to see him peacefully sleeping while our little bundle of joy is drop kicking my liver : ) I don't think I have been as cranky as he claims and in all reality I catch myself smiling at 3am just to know that our baby is moving and I cherish the quiet time Mike and I have together for soon they will be a thing of the past. He has reminded me on more than one occasion that our baby is going to come out ill and screaming because that's how I have been since I found out I was pregnant. Bless his heart, he has been a patient man these past 25 weeks and has learned not to ask "What are you eating now?". Speaking of eating, which I looooooove to do these days, one of my sweet heart patients brought me a feast to work on Thursday. Homemade red velvet cake, brunswick stew and fried green tomatoes. And yes, JUST FOR ME & BABY! He made sure to tell the other staff not to touch my food without asking me first! Did I share?

What do you think : )

What a great day to paint!

Today's weather was a perfect day to be stuck indoors and mom and I definantly made the best of it! I began by making a quick stop at Rugged Warehouse to buy some stretchy pants for work....I knew it was time to hang up the medium scrub pants when even the elastic wouldn't stretch any further and the girls at work were taking up a collection for me to buy new pants! And trust me, my patients are more than eager to let me know how much weight I have gained....don't you just love old folks! They don't hold anything back! Once I left the store I was in route to meet up with Big Cheese (Carter has tagged mom with that name) at Home Depot, however we failed to specify exactly which Home Depot to meet at. So there I was waddeling my big self down the aisles of Home Depot scanning for mom. She is normally easy to spot in a crowd, however I didn't see her anywhere! I called her cell phone only to find out that she was in Peachtree City and I was in Newnan! Once we finally met up we picked out the paint. "Water Chestnut" and "Pacific Pearl". The theme is going to be Barn Yard and with the help of my Aunt Patti's decorating skills and Granddaddy Buzz's craftsman skills it should turn out to be a little boy's farm yard dream! I was so thrilled to spend the day with mom and to get the painting done. I will post more pictures of our progress. While I was thrilled, Trigger wasn't so much! The new baby room is currently Trigger's lair. Since he was a puppy he has been crate trained in that room and has claimed it as his. We ended up having to shut him out of the room because he just had to lay right in the middle of all of the chaos. He didn't escape without a big patch of Pacific Blue paint across his back! I can't wait to see the final outcome of the room! Stay tuned for more pics!!

I must also make a note for all of you mommies out there that feel the need to share your labor horror stories........DON'T! I must a stamp on my forehead that says "Please scare the sh*t out of me!" I have promised my self that I will not be one of those women who feel the need to share every ripping and tearing detail of my labor with any poor unsupecting first time mother-to-be.

Whew! Glad I got that off my chest! (Speaking of chest...I finally have cleavage!!) Yay for prego boobs!!

Check out more pics at
I'm working on adding more pics to the gallery.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

24 Weeks Appointment

I had my 24 week visit with Dr. Cook this week. Unfortunately there was no Ultrasound : (
I was so eager to see my little man, but all I had done at this appt was to be weighed and to check the heartbeat.
I weighed in at 190 lbs. Not to proud of that number, is what it is. Dr. Cook didn't have anything to say about it, so I guess my weight gain is in range. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all happy about being a measly 10 lbs away from the big 200, but it's worth! I've got a growing boy to feed! Besides, being only 4 miles from mom's house definitely has added on the pounds....pregnancy or not !! I told Dr. Cook that the baby has been quite active here lately, especially at night after a glass of cold milk and also in the morning when I'm at work at 5:30am! In fact, I felt him "jump" last week while I was sitting in the recliner. Apparently the sound of Trigger barking scared him! I look forward to feeling him move around and get a bit nervous if a few hours have gone by and I haven't felt him wiggle. I have to admit that I am a bit guilty of shaking my belly just to wake him up!
Overall the appointment went well, however I did get a bit of a scare when it took Dr. Cook a few minutes to find the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler. What seemed like hours was only an extra minute or two. I couldn't help but hold my breath! He said that the baby may had been turned, but was still making a concerned expression while rolling the Doppler all over my belly. Finally....swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.........!!!!! Music to my ears! He informed me that next visit I would be taking the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I've been warned that this sugary drink is not very pleasant. My next visit will be on December 2nd (The day after Mike's 30th B day). I also scheduled the 3D/4D ultrasound picture session. I can't wait to see who the baby looks like!

Snakes and snails......

........and puppy dog tails!!!!!!! IT'S A BOY!!
Well, after waiting a day after our 20 wk appointment we gathered with a few family and friends to announce the news! We met at Franks on Ava's B day and let her have the honors of opening up the envelope. I could hardly wait! Everyone was told to wear either pink or blue, depending on what their guess was. I wore pink, only because I knew everyone else was hoping for a boy and we would all be in blue otherwise. However, I did wear a little blue baby diaper pin on my shirt :)
After placing our dinner orders we had Ava stand on a chair and open it up. The suspense was killing me!
I saw the little piece of paper fall to the floor (the one I had clipped out of the magazine). Ava jumped down, grabbed it and started to smile. She had been requesting a little "brother-cousin" ever since she found out that I was prego. I just knew by her reaction that my gut feeling was right. She turned around the picture to reveal the big news! IT'S A BOY! We all cheered with delight as we passed around the ultrasound picture that clearly displayed all of the appropriate boy parts! Mike was so proud! At that time the cell phones came out!
We were all making phone calls to share the news! The soon-to-be Grandmother's were so thoughtful to bring us baby gifts! My mom had one pink bag and one blue bag and Mike's mom only had a gift for a little boy. She said that she "just knew" it was going to be a boy. We couldn't have asked for a better night! I am working on posting some pictures from that night. I am still waiting for AUNT TIFFANY to send me some : ) Hee Hee.
Stay tuned.........

Ultrasound Appt: Week 20

I know, I's been over a month since I have posted any news. Don't worry, all has been well and thanks to a few folks I was reminded that I hadn't "blogged" in quite a while I am finally getting caught back up. I have been quite busy with transferring jobs (I'm back in Newnan. Yay!) and it's seems like the days are shorter and shorter! I'm sure everyone is aware by now that Michael and I are having a BOY! I knew it all along and just had a "gut" feeling, however it was confirmed at my 20 wk. appt that was on October 8th. Well, actually we didn't find out until the following night over dinner at Franks. On the day of my appt. Michael was able to get off work and come with me. We agreed that we would have the ultrasound done, however would not peek at the screen. It took a bit of arm twisting and threats to convince Mike of this plan, however I'm still not 100% sure that he didn't sneak a peek during the ultrasound. The technician was able to examine the baby and we were relieved to know that everything appeared normal. They were able to rule out chances of a cleft pallet, the head was in normal proportion, his legs and arms are developing normally and they were also able to confirm that there were no signs of dwarfism. After all of the "important" screenings were performed it was then time to find out the gender. I spoke up quickly to inform our technician that WE did not want to know the gender and instead we wanted her to place the ultrasound picture in a red envelope that I had brought with me. I had also clipped out 2 pictures from a magazine, one of a baby girl and one of a baby boy. I did this because Ava (Mike's 5 yr old niece) was assigned the job of announcing the news over dinner. I figured it would be easier for her to see an actual picture as opposed to an ultrasound. So, there we were inches from the ultrasound screen. I turned my head and Mike had his eyes covered by his hands........and mine. I swears that he didn't peek, even if he had I'm not sure if he would know what he was looking for! I can say that at that point it didn't make a difference to me what the gender was. It was simply amazing to know that our baby was healthy (and not a dwarf ) :)
Before we left we met with Dr. Cook who said that everything looked great. Our ultrasound technician handed us our sealed and taped envelope and had written "Congratulations" on the front. We were also given a few more ultrasound pictures, one of his foot and the other of his profile. He looked perfect : )
The car ride home was definitely an anxious one! We made our usual phone calls to moms, sisters and brothers to let them know that all went well. Now, all we had to do wait 1 more day..........easy enough. YEA RIGHT!
Mike and I fought over who would hold on to the envelope until then. It was passed from hand to hand all night. Mike even took it to work with him, but not before I re-sealed it with tape and stickers to ensure that he wouldn't open it up!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just wanted to post a quick blog about my week thus far.
Like I have said in many of my previous postings, I have been pretty darn fortunate not to have any too severe pregnancy symptoms. Besides the hassle of peeing 4 times a night and the frustration of getting dressed, I have been lucky. No morning sickness and my emotions have been pretty much in check, however Mike may disagree with that one. It wasn't until Tuesday afternnoon that the flood gates opened! Let me say that if this had happend any other time, pregnant or not, I would have probably responded the same way. Here it goes:
While on the way to my former Dialysis Clinic in Newnan I was on the phone with Becca at Delta. I was calling to talk to Mom and was chatting with Becca for a minute about how great things were going and how I seemed so uneffected by my pregnancy when out of NO WHERE a little squirrel raced across the road, zig zagged and came in contact with MY FRONT TIRE! I felt the bump and completely broke down! All I could manage to utter was "I just hit a squirrel!" Becca immediently gave the phone to mom who tried to console me, however I was unconsolable! I couldn't even speak I was so upset. All I could think about was how that little squirrel was probably going to gather nuts for it's baby squirrels who are now left alone and hungry. After a few minutes I regained my composure enough to have a meeting with my former boss at the clinic. Good news is, I got my job back in Newnan!! Yay!! I think was just afraid not to take me back! She saw how I reacted to hitting a squirrel!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My little bell pepper : )

Interesting facts about my baby this week:

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Update at 18 weeks

Currently: 18 1/2 weeks prego : )

I haven't had much news to report of since my last entry. The second trimester has been great. My dizziness and fainting-feelings have nearly subsided. I'm not at all as sleepy as I was this time a few months ago and even had the energy to clean the house the other day. I am just in awe of my new boobs! They are getting bigger and bigger every week! WOO HOO! I have been feeling the baby move a little bit more lately. Or, atleast thats what I think it is. I don't won't to jump the gun, but a "mama" knows! Its funny, it seems to do it more in the early morning and before I get ready to go to bed. I guess he gets bored during the day and sleeps! It is still very subtle, but definantly there. Only a few more days until we go to our next appt. It will be this appt that we will find out the sex of the baby! Oh yea, I hate to mention this, however I figure one day I will look back and wonder just "how big" I really was. Mom measured Jenny and I last night, she has been doing this since Jen was pregnant w/ Carter. I was in disbelief to learn that my big ol' belly has stretched out to 40 inches!
I'm the size of Mike! I mean, I can WEAR his pants and will probably be doing so here soon! I'm still not sure mom was reading the number correctly. I don't think she was weraring her glasses and besides that she had cooked homemade chicken & dumplings that I filled up on!! Stay tuned for the next appt details!

Monday, September 15, 2008

What was that?

Last night around 8pm I was lying on the sofa and of course Mike was watching football. I had just come back from Mom's house and was settling in to watch Extreme Home Makeover. I was partially paying attention to the football game when I felt "something". Was it gas? Was it just my muscles moving? Hmmm....I told Mike, "Oh my goodness, I think this baby is MOVING!" I wonder if the football game got "him" all excited!? Or, maybe "she" was cheering! It may have been just gas I was feeling, but it sure did feel funny! Since today is Monday maybe I'll have to watch Monday night football to see if it happens again! All is has been going well so far, with the exception of some terrible dizziness I have been feeling great! 17 weeks along........

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

15 week appointment

Yesterday was my 2nd appointment with Dr. Cook and I was fortunate that Michael was able to go with me. I'm sure he didn't know what to expect and was quite a trooper. Even though we didn't have an ultrasound done, we were able to hear the heart beat which was 148 (on the high side.......maybe it's a little girl!) and Dr. Cook let us hold the monitor to feel the vibrations of the baby's heart : )
Also, according to Dr. Cook the baby was actually moving around while the doppler was on my belly. My next appointment will be on October 7th to find out the gender! Hoo Rah!! I am super excited for this appointment!
Oh yea, just in case anyone cares my BP was 112/78 : ) and my weight was 170 : ( Only a 2 pound gain since last month, not too bad.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Baby Greenway's gonna be a BIG COUSIN!!


What an exciting night!!! I am super stoked to post this blog tonight! Labor day has a whole new meaning this year! It's kinda ironic, actually! While at Mom & Earl's house tonight the usual gang was there. Josh, Jenny & Carter. We chowed down on BBQ ribs, stew, corn, texas toast.....a pregnant gal's dream! After dinner we all walked down to the lake, all except for Jen & Carter. She had to change his shirt that had gotten wet. I was sitting on the swing with Josh when I heard Carter coming down the hill, I of course turned around and when I did I noticed his shirt which said, "I'm going to be a big brother" OH MY GOSH!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!
I was in complete shock!!! Jenny's expecting too!! YAY!! I am sooooo excited that we're going to be pregnant together!! She estimates that she will be due in May : ) One problem, I have all of her maternity clothes!!


Sonrise Consignment Sale August 22 & 23

Make room in the nursery!!
A couple of weeks ago me, Mom, Jenny, & Josh decided to go the Sonrise Consignment Sale. Since I didn't have any baby furniture I figured it would be fun to browse around and just check out what they had for sale. Let me back up, we had actually been planning this trip for quite some time. Jenny and Mom started going to this sale when Jen was prego with Carter and each time I had to work and would have to listen to all the fun they had and look at all the great deals they had stumbled upon. I never had much interest in the baby items, however was kinda bummed that I had missed out on the whole "consignment experience". When time came around this year, I was determined to go! Jenny had me so very excited about all the items that would be for sale and prepared me for the early morning madness. I assumed that I would probably find some stuff, however if I didn't that would be ok too. Tiffany (Mike's sis) had offered me Blakely's crib to use if I wanted to. So, I didn't have much to lose by going to the sale. The "game plan" was for all of us to spend the night at Mom & Earls the night before. Mike graciously let us use his truck for any big items that we may find. It seemed like Christmas Eve that night! Jen had me so pumped!! We knew that we had to get there super early in order to get the "good stuff!". We were there at about 7am and were the first in line, followed by about 200 people by the time the doors opened at 8am. While we waited Jenny coached me on where all the big items would be and to label em quick!! (We were given sticky labels to mark items as "sold" with our names on it) As the doors open we ran into a room filled with strollers, cribs, gliders, swings..... it was overwhelming!! I immediently saw a beautiful crib and matching changing table side by side. Mom looked at me and said "Do you want this one?" I DID!!! However, I had set a budget for the day and couldn't afford both items. That didn't matter to Mom, she offered to buy it if it was what I wanted. YAY!!! As soon as I peeled off my sticky label another shopper pushed her way through and slapped her sticky label on it!!! Mom politely said, "My daughter is getting this crib" to which the woman snapped, "I DON'T SEE HER NAME ON IT!!" Mom then said, "She's getting the matching changing table too and the crib!" The woman just stood there!! Wheww! I thought there was gonna be a fight for sure!! She soon stomped off and said "That's bullshit!". By the end of the day Mike's truck was loaded down with a crib, changing table, Graco car seat, Boppy, crib sheets and the double stroller that mom bought for baby Greenway and Carter! What a great day!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Interesting facts about Baby Greenway this week :)

*** The placenta is fully developed. It provides nourishment and oxygen for your baby, and it produces hormones that support the pregnancy.

***Baby's eyelids have formed, but they are fused shut to protect her eyes while they develop.

***This week, your baby may start to put his thumb in his mouth - but he doesn't yet know how to suck

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How many inches?

Not that I'm proud of these numbers, however I think in a few months it will be interesting to compare.

12 Weeks- Waist 37 1/2 " (OH MY GOSH!! I'm catching up with Mike!)
Wt. 168 lbs. (Pre-Prego and Pre-vacation weight was 150lbs, size 8 jeans) I found out I was pregnant 1 week after our week long vacation in St. George. June 2008. So, of course half that weight gain was Corona's and oysters! YUMMY!!

12 weeks and counting.........

I have to say that each chapter I read in "What to Expect" is a new symptom or sign that I anxiously anticipate.
The early ones were fairly easy to detect. Sore boobs- check! Emotional wreck-check! Morning sickness- Um, not so much except for that dreaded Friday morning-check! Sleepiness-check! Each new day was welcomed with whatever symptom or sign that pregnancy brings. I had what I thought were cravings when I cleaned out my fridge and found FOUR banana pepper ring jars!! If I could have had a banana ring juice IV drip I would have been happy as a clam! This week I learned the REAL meaning of CRAVINGS!!
While at work it hit me..........GRILLED CHEESE! It was all I could think about and talk about! I then made the mistake of getting online and I googled "grilled cheese". My eyes grew wider as I saw all the different types of grilled cheese sandwiches!! The possibilities were endless!! Sharp cheese, Cheddar, onions, avocado, bacon, tomatoes!!!!! All these were incorporated into the most delicious looking pictures I could have ever imagined.
My mouth watered with delight! Did you know that Seattle has a "Grilled Cheese Festival?" I KNOW!! I could have skipped my way to Seattle for it! That was it, I couldn't go another day without one! I instantly new who to call.
"Mom, you know what I'm craving?" That's all it took! Without hesitation mom put together the plan for dinner that night! I called Jenny and let her in on the plans for dinner at mom's. Once I got there Mom and Earl had laid out cheese, texas toast and bacon!! Fresh sliced tomatoes and tomato soup!!!! Life could not have gotten any better at that moment! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nursing Nightmares!

I just had to post the dream I had last night. It was the most bizarre thus far!! It actually started off somewhat pleasant. I remember it was my delivery day and I was in the hospital bed. At some point in my dream I was given some type of medication through my IV and I simply driffted off to the most peaceful sleep I had ever had.
It wasn't until I woke up (still dreaming) that I discovered that I had gone through the entire birthing process! Start to finish!! I didn't remember pushing and certainly didn't recall any pain. I was so shocked at how easy it was!!
Mike's mom was there and I remember asking her, "Did I deliver the baby? And I don't hurt!?" She said, "Yep, it's all over with and here's your baby" At that moment my dreamed turned into a nightmare! My newborn baby was the size of a 5 year old!! He was HUGE! (Yep, it was a boy). I remember being scared of him!
The nurse, who seemed completely ok with this massive baby told me it was time to feed him!
I remember thinking, "Feed him? feed him what? steak and potatoes?" Then, to my suprise and relief Mike's sister was laid up in the hospital bed offering HER BOOB to MY BABY!! I didn't hesitate to let he feed this man-sized newborn!! Wheww!! I'm scared to go back to sleep!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

11 weeks........

1st Dr.'s Appt @ 11 weeks.

I FINALLY got to go to my 1st appointment with Dr. Cook. Unfortunantly, Mike wasn't able to go because he was taking his final driving test to recieve his CDL license. However, I was in still in good company with Mom and Landria. The appointment went great!! I first had to be weighed in. I'd rather not mention my weight! I'll put it this way, I have defiantly gained since finding out I was prego. Aprox 10-12 lbs!! Mom said that atleast my weight at this visit will be my "starting" weight. So, after getting my BP taken, which was 127/77 I was able to meet Dr. Cook. I had heard such great things from Jenny, Tiff and Shea who all had used him during their pregnancy and since I was around all of them for their 9 months and they all turned out well, I figured I give him a try. At this point I had been in the little COLD room for probably 45 minutes. I was so anxious for the real visit to begin! Dr. Cook finally came in the room and told me that since I was already 11 weeks that he would go ahead and try to hear the heartbeat. YAY! This is what I had been waiting for! As soon as he placed the little doppler near my belly button I could hear it! It sounded like a pack of wild horses galloping!! I then was directed to the exam room for the ultrasound! I called mom while I was waiting because I knew she had to have been worried since nearly 1 1/2 hours had gone by. Her first words "What's wrong?!" I told her that nothing was wrong and that I was still waiting for the ultrasound. Mom was quick to tell me that she had already asked the receptionist if she could come back for the ultrasound and was given permission too. I told her to sit tight and I would let the doc know. So.......I had already been warned that this ultra sound wouldn't be the wand on the belly, but instead the ol' wand up the hoo-ha! Thats ok, it was worth it to see my little alien-looking baby! Before the doctor turned on the monitor I asked him "Can my Mom come in here to see the ultrasound?" He said "sure", I then asked, "Well, can my friend come in here too?" He said, "Goodness, you're a good friend!" Of course, keep in mind I was laid up on the table in STIRRUPS!!
I am a somewhat shy gal, but I wanted Landria and Mom to see the ultrasound. It was AMAZING to see the baby fluttering around. I can't wait until I can actually feel him moving. Yep, I said "him".....I just got a feeling. So, all went well at my appt. My due date is Feb 25th.
My next appt will be on September 2nd.

Monday, August 4, 2008

1st Doctor's Appt

Just an update:

I will be going to my first doctors appt. on Wed. August 6th @ 10:30am. Mike will not be able to be there with me because he will be taking his FINAL driving test to recieve his CDL license. I will be seeing Dr. Cook at Piedmont Fayette Hospital. I can't wait to write out my visit!!! Stay tuned.....


Well, it's been a few weeks since I posted any "new" news. Not much has been going on, just the same ol, same ol. I've been peeing about 4 times a night (even though it seems like 40), eating anything and everything and turning into some kind of pregnant monster! I'm too fat for my normal clothes and too small for most of the maternity clothes. Most of you just see the sweet and calm "Amanda", however poor Mike has to live with the crying for no reason, pissed off about dogs and over-reacting Amanda. His words, not mine!
He has been a trooper though, except for last night when he turned the channel to the Ms. Hooters Swimsuit competition! I was in the middle of downing a glass of milk and was half way done with my 4th chocolate chip cookie when I nearly choked while screaming "TURN THIS SH**T OFF!, DON'T YOU KNOW I'M FAT!". He quickly changed the channel, probably in fear that I would burst into tears or throw my plate at him.
You know, I will probably read this particular blog in a few months and laugh. Just thinking that at this moment I am complaining about being fat and not being able to fit into my clothes. I guess I better be thankful that I can still wear my pre-preo bra's and panties. All the books say that your boobs and butt are the first to "grow"!!
Oh yea, I have to mention the adorable gifts I have received since my last blog. Grammy Wanda and Granddaddy Bill gave me a Pregnancy Journal, a new pregnancy book (YAY!), a Willow Tree figure of a pregnant mommy-to-be which I LOVE, and a CAMOUFLAGE onesie that says "Major Cutie"!! This will work out great when Mike has to baby-sit and thinks that he can take the baby with him into the woods during hunting season!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Weird Dreams!!

I need to make a note of some crazy dreams I have had. My "What to Expect" book says that along with endless sleepiness, mood swings, lots of peeing and food cravings that "strange" dreams are also a common side effect of being pregnant. Now, as far back as I can remember I have always had strange dreams and there are many that I can still remember from my childhood, however my most recent ones seem to take the cake!!
I have dreamed at least TWICE that I am having twin boys, I don't remember much else. I guess I wake up in shock before the dream can end!! The other one was definantly one to write about. There I was, in Panama City and I was standing in line somewhere that I can't remember when I met a guy (who was SHORT!) and the next thing I know we are talking, kissing and then end up GETTING MARRIED on the beach! Mom was also there and gave me her blessings for this new marriage! I forgot to mention that I was WAY PREGO with a big ol belly! My "new"husband and I then bought a new crib for $88.00. Yes, I remember the exact amount. As the dream continued I soon remembered that I already had a husband ! I left Florida and my beach-fling, but took the crib with me! Weird! Hmmm......

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Names: By Mike : )

I just had to add this! Mike called me so excited to report that he had picked out two possible names if we have a baby boy. I figured it would be something like Hank, Merle, or Willie. I was in for quite a surprise when he suggested "Olen" and "Arn". I instinctly asked, "Are you drunk?!". He laughed and said, "No!". "Olen" is the name of a boat captain down here in Florida and "Arn" used to be a wrestler, "Arn Anderson". Yes, he was very serious and couldn't understand why I didn't like these names! My first thought was "Olen-colon"! My child is not going to be scarred for life in grammar school with the name "Olen-colon"!! He also said that he met a family while fishing that had two little girls, he told the mother that his wife was pregnant. She told him to tie a ring around a string, hold it over my belly and if it goes in a circle its a girl and if it swings back and forth than its going to be a boy. He is eager to try out this trick! Against my better judgement I wrote down these names as "possibilities" in my pregnancy journal. Besides, I think its super-sweet that he's been thinking about baby names. It will be funny in years to come to look back on these names!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, today was not a good day : (

My FAVORITE pair of jeans did not fit! Not even a little bit! I squirmed, squatted and tried to stretch my way into them. Nope, couldn't even think about buttoning them : (
I got some good advice from Shea who suggested that I try a "bella band" which is basically a tube top for a fat belly! It will supposedly allow me to wear my "cute" jeans a few more months. It kinda cinches my jeans to my hips so that they can remain un-buttoned without anyone else knowing. Well, atleast the folks who didn't read this blog! Of course I called Mom to see if she can "copy" the stretchy pattern to make me one in every color! I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I have yet to be sick or have any nausea! Even after choking down Waffle House this morning at work showed no evidence of "coming back up!" Yay! Mike says I'm moody, I guess a little bit. I did have a complete cow yesterday when I got home and there wasn't any sweet tea made! I literally broke out into tears! So, for now I'm symptom-free! I've heard that the less sick you are, the more likely you are to be having a girl! Hmmm.....We'll see. I still a long way to go until I find out!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Baby Bump or just eatin-to-much bulge? You decide?

Okay, I know it's kinda cheezy to take baby-bump pics at only 7 weeks......... but I'm excited!!!

This is more of a shortbread cookie, half gallon of milk, banana pepper ring juice & BLT bump!!

Hee Hee!!
P.S. Mike told me to stop "sticking it out" for the camera!! He better be nice or I'm gonna post his "baby bump!!" He looks further along than me!!!

This is the first card we recieved from Mom & Earl....

Other family & friends reactions:

My dad: "Baby!! You just made my day!!"
Nanny: "You are!? Sam! Manda's pregnant!!"

Becky: ( I said, guess what...) We must have that cousin ESP, she said: "You're pregnant?!"

Kasey: "I've got a ton of maternity clothes!"

Ricky (Mike's dad): "You gonna give me a boy!?"

Jessica: She did more screaming than anything!

Ashley: ....More screaming from her too! "I'm soooo excited! Does Tara know?!!

Gary & Lila: I had left them a message on their answering machine and Lila quickly called back: "We are so excited for yall"

Aunt Patti: "Oh my God! I love you!"

Brett: "Holy Sh**t!"

Shea: "Are you really?"

Mike called most of his family when I wasn't around, but I'm sure there was lots of screaming and happiness from them too! It was all a blur making all the phone calls and this blog would be 10 pages long if I typed everyone's reactions! Thank you to everyone for all the "congrats" and warm wishes!!

Gifts I have recieved so far:

"What to expect when you're expecting" book from Jenny along with "Baby-Greenway's" first outfit! A white Baby Gap hoodie and pant set. Also, one pink duckie and one blue duckie (Maybe Jenny is hoping for twins!) Jenny has also offered us a pak-n-play, baby tub, glider w/ ottaman ( I know I spelled that wrong!) and a box FULL of maternity clothes!

Kasey has also given me tons of clothes to borrow for my big belly!

Mom gave me the "Belly Book", a journal to keep track of my pregnancy!

Guess who's "prego"?!!

So, once Mike and I were both convinced that I was in fact pregnant we decided to share the news! Of course Landria was the first one to know and I made her swear to keep it mum until further notice! I knew I could trust her, but I do think she told her hubby to keep from busting at the seems! On Wednesday night, I think it was the 25th (June, of course) Mike and I decided to let the "cat out of the bag"!! I spent the whole day coming up with my "perfect plan" to let our mom's know. Mike had already made plans for us to go to his mom's house Thursday night for dinner and we would let her know then. But, in the mean time we just HAD to tell SOMEBODY!

I was so excited to tell mom, Earl, Jenny and Josh all at once but I didn't know when I could get them all together so Mike and I drove over to Jenny & Josh's to report our newly discovered good news! So, side by side Mike and I told the aunt & uncle-to-be, "We have something to tell yall.......I'm PREGNANT!!!" Jenny started jumping and smiling!! "NO WAY?!! REALLY" which was then instantly followed by "HAVE YOU TOLD YOUR MOM!?" She then ran off and came back with the "What to expect when you're expecting" book!! We showed them the test which read "Pregnant" to confirm that we wern't playing a joke on them!! Josh hugged me and shook Mike's hand. Meanwhile, Cousin-Carter was not at all interested in this news and only wanted to show me his cars and tractors! We decided to take a picture of Mike and I holding the "What to expect" book and the pregnancy test, this later came in handy when we broke the news to mom and Earl. With the help of Jenny we came up with the plan to go to mom's house the next night, once we left Wanda's house to break the news. Whewww....if yall are bored from reading all of this, I won't mind if you skip this particular blog!

The next night we went to Wanda's house to share with them their souviners from St. George, even though this was not the "purpose" of our visit! Once we got there I passed out the gifts along with a wrapped braclet box for Wanda. She probably figured I had bought her a shell bracelet and opened it not expecting a pregnancy test to be enclosed! Mike and I had our eyes glued to her reaction which was the following: "You got me a pregnancy test from Florida?"

Ummm......I couldn't help but laugh! "No Wanda, look at it!!!" "Oh my God!!" She jumped up and grabbed us both!!! The next one to be suprised was Tiffany who was on the way home from taking Ava to vacation bible school, we decided to suprise her the same way. Once she got home I handed her the box and said here "I brought you this back from Florida". I can honestly say, Tiffany's reaction was one of the best ones! She opened the box and then SLAMMED it shut!!!

She looked at Mike and I and then doubled over and couldn't say a word!! For atleast a minute she was in a state of shock!! What a fun night!!! The next stop was mom's house.......

Now, keep in mind Jenny had taken a picture of Mike & I the night before. The plan was to give mom a stack of pic's from Florida and shuffle the one's of Mike & I with the test in the middle. Josh was working that night but we wanted him to be able to hear mom's reaction. I of course wanted to video tape her reaction just the way Josh & Jenny did with Carter, so Jenny brought the video camera and pretended to be setting it up while mom looked through the pics. In theory this plan seemed flawless. Let me set the scene: Mom and Mike on the sofa. Me, Jen, Earl and Carter were on the floor. Jenny had the camera in hand with Josh on speaker-phone pretending to coach her through setting up the camera to the TV. Mom had given Carter an empty paper-towel role to use as a toot-toot horn. Carter was yelling through the tube the whole time! Mom throws down the pics and gets the TV set-up guide to help Jenny set up the camera for the video that we were NOT actually going to watch! Confused? Yea, you should have been there!! I said, "Mom!! Will you please look at those pictures!!" She sat back down and started looking again.......Mike and I were making eye contact because he could see which pic she was on, he would shake his head with every pic that was turned....the more she flipped through the louder Carter would get! Earl then grabbed the camera from Jenny to hook it up (not knowing that Jenny was recording!!!) I freaked!!! I didn't want the "moment" to be missed! "Earl!! Give Jenny back the CAMERA!!" I snapped! Mom then yelled at me! "Manda! What is wrong with you!!!!" I felt so bad! Finally, Mike looked at me and nodded......It was the "Moment!" Mom of course was not wearing her glasses and turned to Mike and said, "What is this?" Mike said, "look at it!" ( Mom thought Mike was holding up a box of Famous Amos cookies in the picture!) "Are you PREGNANT?!!", I think she asked me that 3 times! "YES!!" I said!! She jumped up and hugged me, "My baby's having a baby!!" And yes, Jenny was able to record all of this chaos!! Josh, who was still on speaker-phone was about to lose his mind! All he could hear was Carter toot-tooting on the paper towel role!! Mom & Earl were super excited!!

The above pic is of Wanda when she opened the box, along with pic's of Aunt Tiffany and Cousin Blakely from this same night : )

Are we really?

Well, since Mike and I wern't "planning" on having a baby this soon into our marriage we were more than a little bit shocked to find out that our adventure would be starting sooner than we had planned! However, things happen for a reason and I have not once asked "why us?" or "why now?". Sometimes our destiny isn't up to us and our "plans" aren't always in our hands. So, with this being said I was a bit suprised when on the 20th of the month my "little friend" didn't show up....hmmm. Not too uncommon, but still made me wonder. A couple of days had passed and the only other thing to make me think that something was up was the fact that I was peeing like a racehorse and my "girls" we super-duper sore!! So, I decided to take the test just to rule out the chance of being "prego"! So, I bought the test and took a squat! Laid it on the counter, took a peek and saw that only one line was there. Wheww! What a relief was my first thought. I went on about my evening washing clothes and cleaning the house when I remembered that I didn't toss out the test. I went back for a second look and saw the other line that created the almighty PLUS sign!! What!? I looked at the box, looked at the test, the box, the stick and then could literally feel my heart stop! I instantly called Landria and said, "Oh my God, I think I'm pregnant!" "Are you sure?" she said. "Yes, I'll call you back!" I paced around the house and waited for the daddy-to-be to get home. Once Mike came home I didn't know how to tell him.....he could tell soemthing was wrong with me and kept asking "Whats the matter?!" I just had to say it. Standing there in our kitchen I said "I think I'm pregnant!". "What? Are you sure? Did you do the test right?" I showed him the test and he said "Well, I guess we're having a baby!". The next day we went to Rite Aid and bought 4 more tests. We stood in the aisle for about 10 minutes picking out which ones to get. He insisted on the ones that actually said "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" where as I just opted for the standard ol plus and minus signs. We hurried back home and there I marched into the b-room to take another pee pee! All 4 tests were lined up as we waited. Both of us agreed to look at the tests at the same time and no peeking before hand. Mike said his watch and we waited..........3 minutes later we were both convinced that 5, 6, or 7 tests couldn't be wrong!! We were pregnant!! Well, not really "we", but we were in this together and were both excited and scared all at the same time!!!

How we found out.......

Here we are at St. George Island a week before finding out about the "bun in the oven"! Hopefully I'm not the only unsuspecting mommy-to-be who ate her weight in oysters and downed one too many Corona's on the beach before finding out the big news! Even while wearing a bikini the "baby bump" was non existant and showed no evidence of the baby cake a bakin! Looking back, I recall my unusual craving for boiled peanuts that Earl so grasciously bought 3 bags of !!!
I guess this was our last official vacation as being newlyweds! :)