Monday, August 11, 2008

Nursing Nightmares!

I just had to post the dream I had last night. It was the most bizarre thus far!! It actually started off somewhat pleasant. I remember it was my delivery day and I was in the hospital bed. At some point in my dream I was given some type of medication through my IV and I simply driffted off to the most peaceful sleep I had ever had.
It wasn't until I woke up (still dreaming) that I discovered that I had gone through the entire birthing process! Start to finish!! I didn't remember pushing and certainly didn't recall any pain. I was so shocked at how easy it was!!
Mike's mom was there and I remember asking her, "Did I deliver the baby? And I don't hurt!?" She said, "Yep, it's all over with and here's your baby" At that moment my dreamed turned into a nightmare! My newborn baby was the size of a 5 year old!! He was HUGE! (Yep, it was a boy). I remember being scared of him!
The nurse, who seemed completely ok with this massive baby told me it was time to feed him!
I remember thinking, "Feed him? feed him what? steak and potatoes?" Then, to my suprise and relief Mike's sister was laid up in the hospital bed offering HER BOOB to MY BABY!! I didn't hesitate to let he feed this man-sized newborn!! Wheww!! I'm scared to go back to sleep!!

1 comment:

Tiffany Greenway Davis said...

AHHHH... I would hate to be nursing a mansize baby...I already feel like I am nursing a big girl! Mom keeps telling me Blakely is going to be 20 before she stops nursing! LOL