Monday, August 25, 2008

Interesting facts about Baby Greenway this week :)

*** The placenta is fully developed. It provides nourishment and oxygen for your baby, and it produces hormones that support the pregnancy.

***Baby's eyelids have formed, but they are fused shut to protect her eyes while they develop.

***This week, your baby may start to put his thumb in his mouth - but he doesn't yet know how to suck

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How many inches?

Not that I'm proud of these numbers, however I think in a few months it will be interesting to compare.

12 Weeks- Waist 37 1/2 " (OH MY GOSH!! I'm catching up with Mike!)
Wt. 168 lbs. (Pre-Prego and Pre-vacation weight was 150lbs, size 8 jeans) I found out I was pregnant 1 week after our week long vacation in St. George. June 2008. So, of course half that weight gain was Corona's and oysters! YUMMY!!

12 weeks and counting.........

I have to say that each chapter I read in "What to Expect" is a new symptom or sign that I anxiously anticipate.
The early ones were fairly easy to detect. Sore boobs- check! Emotional wreck-check! Morning sickness- Um, not so much except for that dreaded Friday morning-check! Sleepiness-check! Each new day was welcomed with whatever symptom or sign that pregnancy brings. I had what I thought were cravings when I cleaned out my fridge and found FOUR banana pepper ring jars!! If I could have had a banana ring juice IV drip I would have been happy as a clam! This week I learned the REAL meaning of CRAVINGS!!
While at work it hit me..........GRILLED CHEESE! It was all I could think about and talk about! I then made the mistake of getting online and I googled "grilled cheese". My eyes grew wider as I saw all the different types of grilled cheese sandwiches!! The possibilities were endless!! Sharp cheese, Cheddar, onions, avocado, bacon, tomatoes!!!!! All these were incorporated into the most delicious looking pictures I could have ever imagined.
My mouth watered with delight! Did you know that Seattle has a "Grilled Cheese Festival?" I KNOW!! I could have skipped my way to Seattle for it! That was it, I couldn't go another day without one! I instantly new who to call.
"Mom, you know what I'm craving?" That's all it took! Without hesitation mom put together the plan for dinner that night! I called Jenny and let her in on the plans for dinner at mom's. Once I got there Mom and Earl had laid out cheese, texas toast and bacon!! Fresh sliced tomatoes and tomato soup!!!! Life could not have gotten any better at that moment! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nursing Nightmares!

I just had to post the dream I had last night. It was the most bizarre thus far!! It actually started off somewhat pleasant. I remember it was my delivery day and I was in the hospital bed. At some point in my dream I was given some type of medication through my IV and I simply driffted off to the most peaceful sleep I had ever had.
It wasn't until I woke up (still dreaming) that I discovered that I had gone through the entire birthing process! Start to finish!! I didn't remember pushing and certainly didn't recall any pain. I was so shocked at how easy it was!!
Mike's mom was there and I remember asking her, "Did I deliver the baby? And I don't hurt!?" She said, "Yep, it's all over with and here's your baby" At that moment my dreamed turned into a nightmare! My newborn baby was the size of a 5 year old!! He was HUGE! (Yep, it was a boy). I remember being scared of him!
The nurse, who seemed completely ok with this massive baby told me it was time to feed him!
I remember thinking, "Feed him? feed him what? steak and potatoes?" Then, to my suprise and relief Mike's sister was laid up in the hospital bed offering HER BOOB to MY BABY!! I didn't hesitate to let he feed this man-sized newborn!! Wheww!! I'm scared to go back to sleep!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

11 weeks........

1st Dr.'s Appt @ 11 weeks.

I FINALLY got to go to my 1st appointment with Dr. Cook. Unfortunantly, Mike wasn't able to go because he was taking his final driving test to recieve his CDL license. However, I was in still in good company with Mom and Landria. The appointment went great!! I first had to be weighed in. I'd rather not mention my weight! I'll put it this way, I have defiantly gained since finding out I was prego. Aprox 10-12 lbs!! Mom said that atleast my weight at this visit will be my "starting" weight. So, after getting my BP taken, which was 127/77 I was able to meet Dr. Cook. I had heard such great things from Jenny, Tiff and Shea who all had used him during their pregnancy and since I was around all of them for their 9 months and they all turned out well, I figured I give him a try. At this point I had been in the little COLD room for probably 45 minutes. I was so anxious for the real visit to begin! Dr. Cook finally came in the room and told me that since I was already 11 weeks that he would go ahead and try to hear the heartbeat. YAY! This is what I had been waiting for! As soon as he placed the little doppler near my belly button I could hear it! It sounded like a pack of wild horses galloping!! I then was directed to the exam room for the ultrasound! I called mom while I was waiting because I knew she had to have been worried since nearly 1 1/2 hours had gone by. Her first words "What's wrong?!" I told her that nothing was wrong and that I was still waiting for the ultrasound. Mom was quick to tell me that she had already asked the receptionist if she could come back for the ultrasound and was given permission too. I told her to sit tight and I would let the doc know. So.......I had already been warned that this ultra sound wouldn't be the wand on the belly, but instead the ol' wand up the hoo-ha! Thats ok, it was worth it to see my little alien-looking baby! Before the doctor turned on the monitor I asked him "Can my Mom come in here to see the ultrasound?" He said "sure", I then asked, "Well, can my friend come in here too?" He said, "Goodness, you're a good friend!" Of course, keep in mind I was laid up on the table in STIRRUPS!!
I am a somewhat shy gal, but I wanted Landria and Mom to see the ultrasound. It was AMAZING to see the baby fluttering around. I can't wait until I can actually feel him moving. Yep, I said "him".....I just got a feeling. So, all went well at my appt. My due date is Feb 25th.
My next appt will be on September 2nd.

Monday, August 4, 2008

1st Doctor's Appt

Just an update:

I will be going to my first doctors appt. on Wed. August 6th @ 10:30am. Mike will not be able to be there with me because he will be taking his FINAL driving test to recieve his CDL license. I will be seeing Dr. Cook at Piedmont Fayette Hospital. I can't wait to write out my visit!!! Stay tuned.....


Well, it's been a few weeks since I posted any "new" news. Not much has been going on, just the same ol, same ol. I've been peeing about 4 times a night (even though it seems like 40), eating anything and everything and turning into some kind of pregnant monster! I'm too fat for my normal clothes and too small for most of the maternity clothes. Most of you just see the sweet and calm "Amanda", however poor Mike has to live with the crying for no reason, pissed off about dogs and over-reacting Amanda. His words, not mine!
He has been a trooper though, except for last night when he turned the channel to the Ms. Hooters Swimsuit competition! I was in the middle of downing a glass of milk and was half way done with my 4th chocolate chip cookie when I nearly choked while screaming "TURN THIS SH**T OFF!, DON'T YOU KNOW I'M FAT!". He quickly changed the channel, probably in fear that I would burst into tears or throw my plate at him.
You know, I will probably read this particular blog in a few months and laugh. Just thinking that at this moment I am complaining about being fat and not being able to fit into my clothes. I guess I better be thankful that I can still wear my pre-preo bra's and panties. All the books say that your boobs and butt are the first to "grow"!!
Oh yea, I have to mention the adorable gifts I have received since my last blog. Grammy Wanda and Granddaddy Bill gave me a Pregnancy Journal, a new pregnancy book (YAY!), a Willow Tree figure of a pregnant mommy-to-be which I LOVE, and a CAMOUFLAGE onesie that says "Major Cutie"!! This will work out great when Mike has to baby-sit and thinks that he can take the baby with him into the woods during hunting season!