Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, it's been a few weeks since I posted any "new" news. Not much has been going on, just the same ol, same ol. I've been peeing about 4 times a night (even though it seems like 40), eating anything and everything and turning into some kind of pregnant monster! I'm too fat for my normal clothes and too small for most of the maternity clothes. Most of you just see the sweet and calm "Amanda", however poor Mike has to live with the crying for no reason, pissed off about dogs and over-reacting Amanda. His words, not mine!
He has been a trooper though, except for last night when he turned the channel to the Ms. Hooters Swimsuit competition! I was in the middle of downing a glass of milk and was half way done with my 4th chocolate chip cookie when I nearly choked while screaming "TURN THIS SH**T OFF!, DON'T YOU KNOW I'M FAT!". He quickly changed the channel, probably in fear that I would burst into tears or throw my plate at him.
You know, I will probably read this particular blog in a few months and laugh. Just thinking that at this moment I am complaining about being fat and not being able to fit into my clothes. I guess I better be thankful that I can still wear my pre-preo bra's and panties. All the books say that your boobs and butt are the first to "grow"!!
Oh yea, I have to mention the adorable gifts I have received since my last blog. Grammy Wanda and Granddaddy Bill gave me a Pregnancy Journal, a new pregnancy book (YAY!), a Willow Tree figure of a pregnant mommy-to-be which I LOVE, and a CAMOUFLAGE onesie that says "Major Cutie"!! This will work out great when Mike has to baby-sit and thinks that he can take the baby with him into the woods during hunting season!

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