Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Belly Self Portrait

Nursery artwork

Here are the canvas painting I painted to match the crib set (painted free-handed, I might add!)
I used the valance and crib sheet animals as my inspiration!

Christmas 2008

Owen also recieved a very special and sentimental gift from GG.
(See above......oopps....It's upside down!)
A homemade quilt. I'm already searching for a quilt rack to place in Owen's room. Gifts like this are to be displayed and not to be pee peed or spit up on : )
GT onesie from Aunt Tiff and the girls.
The belly pic was taken by Ava and above is Carter and I comparing tummies!

An update: 32 weeks

It's been nearly two weeks since my last post and what a busy two weeks it has been!
To begin with, I panicked the week before Christmas when I suddenly came down with a late case of morning sickness! Or so I thought. I had been awaken the night before to a gurgling tummy and nauseated feeling. I staggered my way through dark and made it to the bathroom only to become quick friends with our toilet and an unwelcoming reminder that it was time to clean it.....especially after I was through with it. I crawled back into bed with the hopes that morning would bring a settled belly and a productive day at work. I couldn't have been more wrong! Once at work the nausea continued and then came the vomiting. I managed to make it to the gas station on my breakfast break to get some sprite and crackers to settle my stomach, however before I could park the car I lost it. I flung open the door and let it fly! I had no other choice and thank heavens there wasn't anyone in the parking lot to witness it! Of course I managed to stay at work, didn't leave, didn't lead onto the severity of my condition and worked right through it. I am proud to say that after 32 weeks of pregnancy I have only called out of work on one occasion! Apparently the "Bug" was going around and after a day or two I was feeling much better, just in time for Christmas!

It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have our baby boy to celebrate with! Even though he wasn't here for 2008, he still managed to get Christmas gifts! Aunt Tiffany, Ava and Blakely gave him a Georgia Tech onesie with matching booties! I know it was tough for Tiff to buy GT! Mike has already suggested that this will be Owen's "going home" outfit from the hospital! The jury is still out on that final decision! Grammy gave Owen a snugly zip up fuzzy deer onesie with little antlers! Big Cheese and Buzz gave him a green John Deere onesie with tractors on it! Too Cute! The picture of me with the big ol' stain on my shirt was taken at Aunt Humpie's house (My child has some crazy family names to grow up with!) the other pic was taken at Mom's house when we all spent the night Christmas night and had matching red fleece PJ's.
The ornament was from Mom that she bought at Power's Crossroads fair.

Owen has definitely been a busy boy in my tummy. He lets me know real quick that he doesn't like it when I lay on my side. Either an elbow or foot gives me a quick jab and forces me to reposition. He's also taken on traits of his daddy's stubbornness! Example: One night Owen was moving, rolling and flipping around. I jumped up to record it with our new video camera as soon as I hit "record"........nothing. I bet I held the camera for 30 minutes with out even a jump or flinch to record. Heartburn has been a bit more frequent, leg and back pain of course is still present and I think I may have had my first round of Braxton Hicks contractions that were so extreme they woke me up. I had read that these contractions are normal and that a glass of water would help as well. I did as directed and within an hour or two they had eased up.

I have only about 8 weeks left to go and ironically at 32 weeks is when Mom delivered me nearly 29 years ago! I just can't imagine going into labor this early! I had my 32 week appt today which went great. My weight was at 207 lbs, a 4 lb gain since my 30 wk appt, my glucose sugar test resulted in a 74 (Anything below 140 is good) and Dr. Beckford commented on how great of a result I had! My B/P was even better, reading at 100/68. Owen's heart rate was at 150 and r. Beckford suggested that I have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to determine his size. She says that tall women tend to have big babies.......hmmm. Can we say "C Section!"

Also, the nursery is coming along well. Granddaddy Buzz has been working on the shelves.
I will post some more pics soon.

An update:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

30 Week Appt.

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday with Dr. Ralston.
It was also pretty uneventful and routine. Luckily I didn't have to wait very long in the lobby because as soon as I arrived a smoky-smelling older lady plopped her ashtray smelling self right next to me. Now, my hubby smokes (double yucko!) and the smell totally grosses me out but he at least washes his hands and showers! Also, we are trying to come up with a plan for him to quite smoking by the time the baby gets here. Anyway, back to the old stinky lady......I felt like I was going to puke right there in the lobby. I was then rescued by the nurse who called her back and my relief couldn't come quick enough! Not much later I was then ushered back to the scale where I weighed in at 203 lbs....I had only gained 2 lbs since my last visit! Yay! Because all of the restrooms were occupied I had to wait until one came open before I could see the doc. I had to leave my "specimen" as they call it! My full bladder and I patiently waited in the doctors room until I heard a door open.

I was about to bust! I hurried into the vacant bathroom when the smell hit me......AGAIN!
The smoky lady had just come out! Ewww!! I had never peed so fast in my life! All while holding my breath! Yuck! I tell ya! Doesn't she know that cigarettes are the #1 nauseating smell to pregnant women! Ugh!!

So, once I fled the b-room I went back to my little doctor's room and was greeted by Dr. Ralston. He was rather quick and too the point. He commented that my weight was OK, my glucose test was fine and my B/P was normal. I was able to hear Owen's heartbeat and Dr. Ralston was able to feel his position from the outside of my belly. He guessed that Owen's head is down, but will be able to tell a little bit better in the next few weeks. My next appt will be on the 30th of December with Dr. Beckford who is new to the group of doctors. After meeting several of them I am more favorable of Dr. Cook and Dr. Turner.

As for Owen, he is making he presence known for sure! He has been moving and rolling all day long! I am going to miss that : (

Monday, December 15, 2008

Owen's Nursery

This weekend was especially exciting! Aunt Patti came down from Atlanta to help paint the nursery, and even better.....she brought lunch from OK Cafe!
Mike and I also have decided on a name for our baby boy: Owen Barrett Greenway.
"Barrett" was my Grandmother's maiden name. My mom's mom.
And as for Owen, we just like it : )

Also this week, Mike and I tackled Babies R Us and completed our registry.....well, completed what we could. I have had to get online to tweak a couple of items. We were pretty much the "blonde leading the blind"! and I'm sure we had "New parents" written all over our scared faces! We did ok in the diaper department (Mike scanned every package in fear that our baby will be forever diaper less) but it wasn't until we stepped foot into the breast feeding aisle that both of our jaws dropped! Nipple pads....nipple shields....warming cups...I never knew the "girls" were so high maintenance! I tried to recall all of the books, brochures and web sites I had the end I just closed my eyes, aimed the gun and scanned away!
Next aisle was bottles, good grief! Glass, plastic, BPA, Born this point I had to call on the expert. Tiffany, my sister in law. She recommended using Dr. Browns, apparently you can pump directly into the bottle (I'm still trying to figure out how that works!).
By the end of our adventure we managed to make our way around the store scanning bath tubs, bibs, high chairs and pacies. I was exhausted! I wonder how babies ever survived 100 yrs ago without the great inventions like the Boppy and Piddle Pad! I later called my been-there-done-that mommies and had to review my registry for things I didn't need or may have left off.
They were lots of help! Thanks Shea and Tiff!

There hasn't been too much of a drastic change since my last post @ 28 weeks. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow for my 30 week appointment. My only complaint at this point is that sleeping is still becoming a challenge. I have been waking up nearly every hour to reposition myself. Normally pain that radiates down my lower back to my butt and down to my leg is what wakes me. I guess I better get used to the sleepless nights : )

Stay tuned for my 30 week update!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sweet Quote

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.
— Author Unknown

** I ran across this quote on one of the many websites I visit. I really liked and wanted to post***

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I think your Fanta went flat!

Like I mentioned in my last post, today marked 28 weeks. Only 12 more to go.

I had my appointment with Dr. Turner today, I had only been seen by Dr. Cook up until now and was eager to meet one of the other doctors. As the routine goes I had to submit my "specimen" as soon as they called me back and luckily I didn't have to wait too long. The chick-fil-a sweet tea I drank on the way was about the squirt out of my ears!

It's funny the things that cross your mind when you're peeing in a cup, I couldn't help but think about the black sharpie marker that I had to use to identify my pee with by writing my name on my pee pee cup and how many pee germs had to be crawling around on it. After all, when your belly reaches a certain size it's tough to get your aim right and I doubt I'm the first fat girl to pee on her hand. Ok, gross. However, for the record I did and always do wash my hands.

Once I was done with that I had to visit the dreaded scale. The nurse was sweet to start off the my weight @ 150, but then she had to move the sliding bar over to 200 lbs! I could hardly watch her as she continued to tap it across the bar. She was also nice enough to say "ok, we'll minus 2 lbs for your clothing" which left me at 201 lbs. I couldn't believe it.
She ushered me back to the next room where I had have my glucose tolerance test done.
This test is to rule out or indicate the chance of Gestational Diabetes and to determine how well my body processes the glucose. I was instructed to drink a sugary liquid that tasted like an orange crush that had been sitting out too long with out the top! It was flat, sweet and was all I could do to gulp it down in the allotted time of 5 minutes. In this situation no news is good news. If there seems to be a problem with my blood sugar the office will notify me.

Once I was done Dr. Turner greeted me and was extremely nice. The baby's heart rate was 145 and sounded great! My B/P was at 118/76, also great! She wasn't too concerned with any lab work, b/p readings or any previous appointments I'd had thus far. However, she did feel the need to let me know that I had gained 11 pounds since my last appointment! I strictly blame that on all of the Thanksgiving meals I had last week. I have gained a total of 39 lbs so far. I decided right then and there that for the next 12 weeks I need to be extra careful with my diet. I then had to wait an extra hour in the lobby and then had my blood drawn for my blood sugar test. Overall, a normal and routine visit. I will now be seeing the Dr's every 2 weeks to monitor the baby....stay tuned for the next post.

Is that a turkey you're smuggling?

Today marked my 28th week of being preggo !!
Of course I took the day off of work for my appointment and Mike was also off work, however not for the same reason. He is having his last "hoo-rah!" before the baby gets here. For the next 5 days he will be in Virginia deer hunting. Most people think I am crazy for letting him take this trip so late in my pregnancy, but believe it or not it really gives me a chance to rest. I will spend the next few days in a stinky-free and cereal-for-dinner home. He was sweet enough to get down all of the Christmas decorations so I am going to stay busy decorating the house. Don't get me wrong, I of course wish he were here with me, but he's so excited about this trip that I didn't have the heart to hold him back. Hopefully he will bring back a whole lot of deer meat too!

I can't help but mention some of the perks that I experienced this Thanksgiving as a
mommy-to-be. Here are some of the best reasons to be pregnant during Thanksgiving:

*You get bumped to the front of the buffet line, after all everyone reminds you that you're eating for two!

* After dinner, you're encouraged to sit down and rest your dish pan hands for me!

*It's easier waking up @ 3am for Black Friday shopping when you've already gotten up to pee at 2:30am.

* You also get bumped to the front of the shopping line at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving....(thank you to the Virgin Island ladies at the Newnan Walmart)

* Being preggo is a great conversation starter amongst all the folks you only see once a year and prevents the awkward silence.

*You have an excuse to wear elastic-waisted stretchy pants to a Holiday affair!

Along with celebrating Thanksgiving our family also celebrated the announcement of another baby that will make its debut into our growing family. Toby and Ally Teal informed us all that she will be expecting a baby in June of next year! Wow!
This now has the count at 4 grandkids and 3 on the way!

Kayley- 6yrs
Carter- 2yrs
Jackson- 1 yr
Noah- 8mo
Baby Boy Greenway- Due February 2008
Baby Teal (Jenny & Josh)- May 1st 2008 (Find out gender on December 22nd)
Baby Teal (Toby & Ally)- June 2008