Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I think your Fanta went flat!

Like I mentioned in my last post, today marked 28 weeks. Only 12 more to go.

I had my appointment with Dr. Turner today, I had only been seen by Dr. Cook up until now and was eager to meet one of the other doctors. As the routine goes I had to submit my "specimen" as soon as they called me back and luckily I didn't have to wait too long. The chick-fil-a sweet tea I drank on the way was about the squirt out of my ears!

It's funny the things that cross your mind when you're peeing in a cup, I couldn't help but think about the black sharpie marker that I had to use to identify my pee with by writing my name on my pee pee cup and how many pee germs had to be crawling around on it. After all, when your belly reaches a certain size it's tough to get your aim right and I doubt I'm the first fat girl to pee on her hand. Ok, gross. However, for the record I did and always do wash my hands.

Once I was done with that I had to visit the dreaded scale. The nurse was sweet to start off the my weight @ 150, but then she had to move the sliding bar over to 200 lbs! I could hardly watch her as she continued to tap it across the bar. She was also nice enough to say "ok, we'll minus 2 lbs for your clothing" which left me at 201 lbs. I couldn't believe it.
She ushered me back to the next room where I had have my glucose tolerance test done.
This test is to rule out or indicate the chance of Gestational Diabetes and to determine how well my body processes the glucose. I was instructed to drink a sugary liquid that tasted like an orange crush that had been sitting out too long with out the top! It was flat, sweet and was all I could do to gulp it down in the allotted time of 5 minutes. In this situation no news is good news. If there seems to be a problem with my blood sugar the office will notify me.

Once I was done Dr. Turner greeted me and was extremely nice. The baby's heart rate was 145 and sounded great! My B/P was at 118/76, also great! She wasn't too concerned with any lab work, b/p readings or any previous appointments I'd had thus far. However, she did feel the need to let me know that I had gained 11 pounds since my last appointment! I strictly blame that on all of the Thanksgiving meals I had last week. I have gained a total of 39 lbs so far. I decided right then and there that for the next 12 weeks I need to be extra careful with my diet. I then had to wait an extra hour in the lobby and then had my blood drawn for my blood sugar test. Overall, a normal and routine visit. I will now be seeing the Dr's every 2 weeks to monitor the baby....stay tuned for the next post.

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