Wednesday, December 17, 2008

30 Week Appt.

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday with Dr. Ralston.
It was also pretty uneventful and routine. Luckily I didn't have to wait very long in the lobby because as soon as I arrived a smoky-smelling older lady plopped her ashtray smelling self right next to me. Now, my hubby smokes (double yucko!) and the smell totally grosses me out but he at least washes his hands and showers! Also, we are trying to come up with a plan for him to quite smoking by the time the baby gets here. Anyway, back to the old stinky lady......I felt like I was going to puke right there in the lobby. I was then rescued by the nurse who called her back and my relief couldn't come quick enough! Not much later I was then ushered back to the scale where I weighed in at 203 lbs....I had only gained 2 lbs since my last visit! Yay! Because all of the restrooms were occupied I had to wait until one came open before I could see the doc. I had to leave my "specimen" as they call it! My full bladder and I patiently waited in the doctors room until I heard a door open.

I was about to bust! I hurried into the vacant bathroom when the smell hit me......AGAIN!
The smoky lady had just come out! Ewww!! I had never peed so fast in my life! All while holding my breath! Yuck! I tell ya! Doesn't she know that cigarettes are the #1 nauseating smell to pregnant women! Ugh!!

So, once I fled the b-room I went back to my little doctor's room and was greeted by Dr. Ralston. He was rather quick and too the point. He commented that my weight was OK, my glucose test was fine and my B/P was normal. I was able to hear Owen's heartbeat and Dr. Ralston was able to feel his position from the outside of my belly. He guessed that Owen's head is down, but will be able to tell a little bit better in the next few weeks. My next appt will be on the 30th of December with Dr. Beckford who is new to the group of doctors. After meeting several of them I am more favorable of Dr. Cook and Dr. Turner.

As for Owen, he is making he presence known for sure! He has been moving and rolling all day long! I am going to miss that : (

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