Wednesday, December 31, 2008

An update: 32 weeks

It's been nearly two weeks since my last post and what a busy two weeks it has been!
To begin with, I panicked the week before Christmas when I suddenly came down with a late case of morning sickness! Or so I thought. I had been awaken the night before to a gurgling tummy and nauseated feeling. I staggered my way through dark and made it to the bathroom only to become quick friends with our toilet and an unwelcoming reminder that it was time to clean it.....especially after I was through with it. I crawled back into bed with the hopes that morning would bring a settled belly and a productive day at work. I couldn't have been more wrong! Once at work the nausea continued and then came the vomiting. I managed to make it to the gas station on my breakfast break to get some sprite and crackers to settle my stomach, however before I could park the car I lost it. I flung open the door and let it fly! I had no other choice and thank heavens there wasn't anyone in the parking lot to witness it! Of course I managed to stay at work, didn't leave, didn't lead onto the severity of my condition and worked right through it. I am proud to say that after 32 weeks of pregnancy I have only called out of work on one occasion! Apparently the "Bug" was going around and after a day or two I was feeling much better, just in time for Christmas!

It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have our baby boy to celebrate with! Even though he wasn't here for 2008, he still managed to get Christmas gifts! Aunt Tiffany, Ava and Blakely gave him a Georgia Tech onesie with matching booties! I know it was tough for Tiff to buy GT! Mike has already suggested that this will be Owen's "going home" outfit from the hospital! The jury is still out on that final decision! Grammy gave Owen a snugly zip up fuzzy deer onesie with little antlers! Big Cheese and Buzz gave him a green John Deere onesie with tractors on it! Too Cute! The picture of me with the big ol' stain on my shirt was taken at Aunt Humpie's house (My child has some crazy family names to grow up with!) the other pic was taken at Mom's house when we all spent the night Christmas night and had matching red fleece PJ's.
The ornament was from Mom that she bought at Power's Crossroads fair.

Owen has definitely been a busy boy in my tummy. He lets me know real quick that he doesn't like it when I lay on my side. Either an elbow or foot gives me a quick jab and forces me to reposition. He's also taken on traits of his daddy's stubbornness! Example: One night Owen was moving, rolling and flipping around. I jumped up to record it with our new video camera as soon as I hit "record"........nothing. I bet I held the camera for 30 minutes with out even a jump or flinch to record. Heartburn has been a bit more frequent, leg and back pain of course is still present and I think I may have had my first round of Braxton Hicks contractions that were so extreme they woke me up. I had read that these contractions are normal and that a glass of water would help as well. I did as directed and within an hour or two they had eased up.

I have only about 8 weeks left to go and ironically at 32 weeks is when Mom delivered me nearly 29 years ago! I just can't imagine going into labor this early! I had my 32 week appt today which went great. My weight was at 207 lbs, a 4 lb gain since my 30 wk appt, my glucose sugar test resulted in a 74 (Anything below 140 is good) and Dr. Beckford commented on how great of a result I had! My B/P was even better, reading at 100/68. Owen's heart rate was at 150 and r. Beckford suggested that I have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to determine his size. She says that tall women tend to have big babies.......hmmm. Can we say "C Section!"

Also, the nursery is coming along well. Granddaddy Buzz has been working on the shelves.
I will post some more pics soon.

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