Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back by popular demand : )

Ok, so many of you guys (Well, at least the 4 who are following my blog) may be thinking that I tragically fell off the face of the earth, crumbled under the pregnancy pressure and high tailed it out of town, or simply just chose to neglect my bloggin' fans. None of the above. I have just simply taken on the most demanding job known to man, or should I say, known to WOMAN!

I am officially a new mommy to the most beautiful baby boy ever born! Ok, so here is an update for those of you who may be wondering:
I ended up having a C - Section at 41 weeks, ironically it was the weekend of the BIG BLIZZARD which led me into my 41st week. The following Monday was my appt w/ Dr. Cook and I was terrified that we were going to be snowed in and would have to deliver this child on the living room floor! Thank heavens for 4-wheeled drive and we managed to make it to the appt. without a hitch :)

Once there, Dr. Cook confirmed what he had been suspecting.....Owen had not "dropped" I was still only dilated to a "1" and suggested that I return in the morning @ 5:30 to be prepped for surgery! What a sleepless night I had! It felt like Christmas Eve, for I knew that the next morning I would be receiving the best gift of all. My little boy. Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink! I woke up at 3:30 am and started the day. After showering, shaving, plucking and blow drying.....straightening my hair, paintin' on my face and slipping into my velvet XL zip up suit...I was ready.
We headed of to the hospital where we were greeted by all of our family!
Surgery was scheduled for 7:15 a.m. I was admitted, tagged with what seemed like 50 bracelets and placed on the bed and waited for the nurse. After dressing in my gown, having my IV placed for fluids, support hose put on and hair net in place it was time for Mike to get dressed. They gave him a one size fits all (For those of you who know Mike, you know he's a BIG guy) white moon suit! He asked me, "Do I take my clothes off before I put this on?" I couldn't help but laugh! Thank goodness he asked me and didn't strip down and have on only the suit! It was TIGHT! I couldn't help by laugh!
Once I was back in the OR Mike had to lag outside until my epidural was placed- OUCH!
It was also F R E E Z I N G in there, thankfully a nurse gave me heated blankets to warm me up. The epidural was placed and I was instructed to lay down....however I could still feel my belly and feet. The doc asked me, "Can you feel that?" I cried "YES!"! He was poking me with something sharp! The anesthesiologist was called back in and had to give me a second dose of numbing meds...........ahhhh......I was all warm and relaxed then. Dr. Cook had brought his ipod and as soon as the numbness started down my legs his ipod began playing Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb".....pretty cool!

Dr. Cook did a fantastic job, the only sensation I had was that of "pulling" and "tugging". Mike was by my side the whole time. He never peeked over the curtain, he could have, but didn't.

He can gut a deer, clean and fish and shoot a rabbit but can't witness his baby coming out of my belly!

It only took about 10 minutes before I heard Dr. Cook say "WOW! He's got lots of hair and shoulders like a line backer!!" at that moment his ipod began playing "What a wonderful World".
I heard Owen cry and they held him up! Because I was laying I couldn't see him all that well before they rushed him off to be checked out. However, I was able to see the thick, black head of hair! I was shocked!! I was expecting a toe head baby! Nope, not a blond hair to be found!

Owen still had fluid in his lungs that had to be removed ASAP and his blood sugar was also low. I didn't know all of this until I was in recovery. After Owen was released with a good bill of health was sent to the nursery, along with Mike.

It was not fair! I had to remain in the OR while my baby and hubby were getting all the attention! After being sewn up and placed back into recovery Mike finally arrived with Owen.
Oh! He was beautiful! Because I received a double dose of anesthesia it took a bit longer to feel my toes. Along with being super duper numb I began to itch terribly! Apparently its a side affect, it was nearly unbearable. The nurse gave me Tramadol which helped. I immediately began breast feeding Owen and he latched on so well!
My precious baby boy was 9 lbs 15 oz (I believe that 15 oz is all hair!) and 19 3/4 " long.

We remained in the hospital from Tuesday to Friday where we were visited by 43 people......the first day!! We were showered with snacks, flowers, gifts and friends. It was amazing. Owen is such a blessed little boy to have so many people who love him. However, the hospital stay wasn't all flowers and smiles.......I had a terrible reaction to the Percocet which resulted in severe vomiting and fatigue. It was soon replaced with Vicodin which was much much better. I was on a clear liquid diet until I was able to pass gas. That was the worse! I had a room full of candy, cookies and a menu from the cafeteria and I couldn't eat any of it! Between the fatigue and pain meds I finally fell asleep only to awaken by my own FART! Woo Hoo!! I jumped up and said "I CAN EAT NOW!!" I kept that cafeteria hoppin'! The food was all that great, but it was free, fast and limitless!

By day 2 my cath was removed, I was up taking showers, eating solid foods, breastfeeding like a champ! I had a great recovery, besides some soreness I felt great.

Mike did an amazing job, I fell in love with him all over again. He didn't hesitate to change the first diaper, burp Owen, swaddle him and take care of me all at the same time. Bless his heart, he had to sleep on a sofa that was not even big enough for the average sized man!

We left the hospital on Friday the 6th.

Owen & I slept the whole way home......even in my sleep I knew that our lives would never be the same.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Maternity Photo Session

I am so very lucky that my BFF is a photographer!! Landria with "The Natural Expression" captured this moment in time. She had never taken pregnant pics, I was her lab rat, so to speak!
I had seen some beautiful photos online of other women who had chosen to have their shirt unbutonned with the belly exposed and they all seemed to turn out so beautifully!
I could have never imagined mine would be one of those!
Landria presented me with this framed photo at my baby shower for everyone to see.
I can't wait to hang it in Owen's nursery.

Week 34 appt

I am finally getting caught up on my "blogging"! I am so envious of you other blogger's who already have the distraction on having their baby and still manage to keep their blogs up to date!
Wheww! Ok, so I went for my 35 wk appt with Dr Cook on January 13th. I weighed in at 208lbs, my weight is finally starting to slow down. Dr. Cook was able to find Owen's heartbeat right away, the doppler picked up on it to the lower left of my belly button, right above my hip bone. Dr Cook then measured my belly and the following reaction: "How many weeks along are you?" I thought, um......shouldn't HE know the answer to that?!! He said that I was measuring 37 weeks instead of my estimated 34 weeks! This of course made me a bit nervous and I then began rambling about what I should do if my husband is not at home when I go into labor and that I am still working and when should I take maternity leave. Dr. Cook assured me that once I return for my 36 wk appt they would be able to determine Owen's size with an ultrasound. He also offered the option of inducing labor @ 39 weeks if I wanted to. He said that he guesses the Owen is going to be a BIG BOY and I could induce early to ensure that I wouldn't have to experience the anxiety of waiting on labor to begin. It's only an option and I'm just not sure if its a decision I feel comfortable making. Seems to me, it's like taking a cake out of the oven before it's done cooking! I've also heard several horror stories about early induction. So, I consulted my arsenal of mommies for their advice. It's all been mixed opinions. I will be going to see Dr. Turner on the 28th on January for my ultrasound to see how big Owen actually is : )
I know from the inside he feels like he's going to be a MONSTER!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I am now approaching my 34th week into my pregnancy, however yesterday I had two complete strangers comment to me on how I look like I could "bust" and that my due date is "any day now". I stopped by Michael's craft store yesterday in search of some wooden letter's to paint for Owen's room. I found a few but decided on some much cuter magnetic wooden letters
(See picture).

Over the weekend Owen's nursery was updated with his new custom built shelves by Granddaddy Buzz. Big Cheese stayed with me all day and helped to stain them to match his crib and changing table. I'm still working between 10-12 hrs a day, however my boss has scheduled me to work in the office a few days a week since working the treatment floor is becoming more and more difficult. I am planning on working up until my due date of Feb 25th, unless I am ordered not to do so otherwise by Dr. Cook.

Mike and I are planning on taking a tour of the hospital in a few weeks as well as viewing a childbirth video. Hopefully, that won't scare him too much. He can barely watch "A baby story" on TLC without getting grossed out! Also, this weekend I will be meeting with my BFF Landria to have some Maternity belly photos! I am proud to say that I haven't gotten any strectch marks (yet) and I want to go ahead and capture my belly while it's still pretty!