Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 34 appt

I am finally getting caught up on my "blogging"! I am so envious of you other blogger's who already have the distraction on having their baby and still manage to keep their blogs up to date!
Wheww! Ok, so I went for my 35 wk appt with Dr Cook on January 13th. I weighed in at 208lbs, my weight is finally starting to slow down. Dr. Cook was able to find Owen's heartbeat right away, the doppler picked up on it to the lower left of my belly button, right above my hip bone. Dr Cook then measured my belly and the following reaction: "How many weeks along are you?" I thought, um......shouldn't HE know the answer to that?!! He said that I was measuring 37 weeks instead of my estimated 34 weeks! This of course made me a bit nervous and I then began rambling about what I should do if my husband is not at home when I go into labor and that I am still working and when should I take maternity leave. Dr. Cook assured me that once I return for my 36 wk appt they would be able to determine Owen's size with an ultrasound. He also offered the option of inducing labor @ 39 weeks if I wanted to. He said that he guesses the Owen is going to be a BIG BOY and I could induce early to ensure that I wouldn't have to experience the anxiety of waiting on labor to begin. It's only an option and I'm just not sure if its a decision I feel comfortable making. Seems to me, it's like taking a cake out of the oven before it's done cooking! I've also heard several horror stories about early induction. So, I consulted my arsenal of mommies for their advice. It's all been mixed opinions. I will be going to see Dr. Turner on the 28th on January for my ultrasound to see how big Owen actually is : )
I know from the inside he feels like he's going to be a MONSTER!

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