Monday, December 15, 2008

Owen's Nursery

This weekend was especially exciting! Aunt Patti came down from Atlanta to help paint the nursery, and even better.....she brought lunch from OK Cafe!
Mike and I also have decided on a name for our baby boy: Owen Barrett Greenway.
"Barrett" was my Grandmother's maiden name. My mom's mom.
And as for Owen, we just like it : )

Also this week, Mike and I tackled Babies R Us and completed our registry.....well, completed what we could. I have had to get online to tweak a couple of items. We were pretty much the "blonde leading the blind"! and I'm sure we had "New parents" written all over our scared faces! We did ok in the diaper department (Mike scanned every package in fear that our baby will be forever diaper less) but it wasn't until we stepped foot into the breast feeding aisle that both of our jaws dropped! Nipple pads....nipple shields....warming cups...I never knew the "girls" were so high maintenance! I tried to recall all of the books, brochures and web sites I had the end I just closed my eyes, aimed the gun and scanned away!
Next aisle was bottles, good grief! Glass, plastic, BPA, Born this point I had to call on the expert. Tiffany, my sister in law. She recommended using Dr. Browns, apparently you can pump directly into the bottle (I'm still trying to figure out how that works!).
By the end of our adventure we managed to make our way around the store scanning bath tubs, bibs, high chairs and pacies. I was exhausted! I wonder how babies ever survived 100 yrs ago without the great inventions like the Boppy and Piddle Pad! I later called my been-there-done-that mommies and had to review my registry for things I didn't need or may have left off.
They were lots of help! Thanks Shea and Tiff!

There hasn't been too much of a drastic change since my last post @ 28 weeks. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow for my 30 week appointment. My only complaint at this point is that sleeping is still becoming a challenge. I have been waking up nearly every hour to reposition myself. Normally pain that radiates down my lower back to my butt and down to my leg is what wakes me. I guess I better get used to the sleepless nights : )

Stay tuned for my 30 week update!!

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