Friday, November 21, 2008

Belly News

I just had to post an update, my big ol' belly is no longer my own! I am now reminded nearly every 30 minutes of the little man who has taken up house in it. He's been a great tennant, except for waking me up every night and giving me a quick kick in the ribs as if to remind me not to drink that cold milk so fast. Yep, he has made a nest and is clearly getting adjusted to his surrondings.

My what to expect book is now book marked at week 27 and remains a permanent fixture in our hall bathroom. This week the chapter highlights "Sexual Positions" that are "approved" for your 6 month of pregnancy. a feeling a man put his two cents into this chapter by offering the many ways and options for us big bellied, hairy legged, under slept, over worked, swollen ankled momma's please our men. Wow! Thanks, "What to Expect" book for informing our men that we capeable and still should be expected to "put out" at this stage in our pregnancy. (Warning: TMI information about to be revealed, Mom and Wanda be warned)
My dear husband has clearly read this chapter, after all he spends enough time in the bathroom, he oughta be an expert. I'm sure he flipped through all the others just to find the "sex" chapter of the book! He seems to have no problem with the extra "padding" so to speak that now covers my once slim figure. I won't go into any further details, I'll simply say that fortunately he still loves me and finds all of these extra curves desirable, even when I'm feeling like a fat ol' cow, he reminds me of how sexy he still thinks I am. It's definitely brought out our creative side :) Our belly's are about the same size at this point and pose quite a challenge, however we've managed to work around it.

Well, it's time for my pre bed time glass of cold milk........let the games begin (In my belly that is).

*** If after reading this, please resist the urge to inform Mike that I "blogged" about our "relations" in the bedroom. He may never touch me again in fear that I may create a post about it. : )

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