Friday, November 14, 2008

25 weeks....

Here is picture from my cousin's wedding last weekend. Here we are with little Jackson who was tuckered out! Notice I'm holding the baby and Mike's holding a beer.......hmmm.
I can't wait to hold my own little sleepy boy!!
25 weeks down......15 to go. Not much has changed this week. Little man is still pretty active, especially at 3 am. No heartburn, no constipation (Thank you Lord!), no leg cramps,......however, I have noticed that pregnancy has really made me quite a joy to be around! (Did you notice the sarcasm?). Don't get me wrong, I am not a complete monster but I have noticed that I am a bit more snappy to things that aggravate me and to anyone else that's not pregnant I'm sure these things wouldn't bother them at all. Just ask my husband, poor thing, I nearly strangled him for breathing too loudly and also for having the windshield wipers wiping too fast in the truck. There is nothing that makes me more angry than to see him peacefully sleeping while our little bundle of joy is drop kicking my liver : ) I don't think I have been as cranky as he claims and in all reality I catch myself smiling at 3am just to know that our baby is moving and I cherish the quiet time Mike and I have together for soon they will be a thing of the past. He has reminded me on more than one occasion that our baby is going to come out ill and screaming because that's how I have been since I found out I was pregnant. Bless his heart, he has been a patient man these past 25 weeks and has learned not to ask "What are you eating now?". Speaking of eating, which I looooooove to do these days, one of my sweet heart patients brought me a feast to work on Thursday. Homemade red velvet cake, brunswick stew and fried green tomatoes. And yes, JUST FOR ME & BABY! He made sure to tell the other staff not to touch my food without asking me first! Did I share?

What do you think : )

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