Monday, November 24, 2008

I have nothing to wear!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I am fully aware of my curvy new figure that seems to change on a daily basis.
Especially the past month or so has been drastic! Luckily I didn't have to go out and max out any credit cards on maternity clothes, I was fortunate enough to get preggo about a year after many of friends and family members, as a result I got the "hook up" on new clothes.
It's funny to think that in the early weeks of my pregnancy I couldn't wait to wear the panel pants, belly bands and over sized cute tops. With that being said, I wasn't too worried about running out of outfits or options. I was content with wearing my scrubs during the day, sweats and t's at night and occasionally having to sift through the "nice" clothes for a wedding, dinner or whatever required more than my trusty ol' PJ bottoms. The problem with sweats and scrubs is that they stretch and can be VERY deceiving!

Well, over the weekend I had been planning on going to a 1 yr. old's birthday who is the son of a dear friend of mine. I never thought twice about what to wear. I knew that I had a couple of pair of jeans, khaki's and cute tops that fit just great last week and I need not worry. I could have never predicted what happened when I tried to get dressed. NOTHING fit, and when I say "Nothing".....I mean not even the stretchy pants fit! I tried to squat, bend and stretch my way into every piece of clothing I could find, no luck. Time was ticking, I had to be at the birthday party within a half hour, I went into panic mode. I called Mom to let her know that I was running late, trying to hold back the tears. However, Mom's don't have to see the tears to know that they're there. All she had to do was ask "What's wrong?" I broke down. "I have NOTHING TO WEAR! I'M FAAAAT!!!" She reminded me that I was pregnant and that she would take me shopping the next day. I managed to dry my tears and pour myself into a pair of jeans and finally found a cute shirt that fit (and covered the love handles that the pants wouldn't fit over).

We went to the birthday party and had a great time.
My belly got rubbed, the usual pregnancy questions were asked and I left there feeling better than I had before I arrived. In this case, it REALLY IS what's on the "inside" that matters.
However, one party guest did make a point to say that she didn't recognize me when I arrived..hmmmm.....still not sure exactly what she meant by that. I'll put it this way, I still have the same hair color, haircut and not else has changed except for the scale!

Ironically, when we arrived home from the party I opened a box from my Aunt Patti and to my surprise she had sent me a new coat, maternity tops (that fit!!), new panties and 2 new nursing bras! Whoa! These things are something else! I can flash a boob in an instant!

So, just as promised Mom took me to JCPenney's for a shopping spree! We really lucked up and stumbled upon a 75% off rack with oh-so cute tops for $4.97 and nearly all of the pants were up to 50% off! Pregnancy must be a "seasonal" thing, according to JCPenney's! The pregnancy gods were looking after me that day!! I tried not to look at the tags, many of them were XL or XXL....I just smiled and enjoyed the experience. Mom assured me that I would been the larger sizes to last until February and that they would probably shrink and she didn't want to hear me crying again! I got several pairs of pants and matching tops that would work with all of them. Kinda like "Garanimals" for pregnant gals! I even got new house shoes too! I guess that's for when my feet start to swell!

Shopping for new clothes was such a relief and I can now get dressed for the holidays and baby showers without the fearing the closet! What made the day even better was simply spending it with my mommy. She even got to feel the baby move!
He's already got her wrapped around his little finger : )

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